Medical Colleges in Bangladesh

Non-Govt Medical Colleges:
Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka
Feni Medical College,Feni
Dr. Sirajul Islam Medical College, Moghbazar, Dhaka
Gono Bishwabidyalay, Savar, Dhaka
Ad-din Womens Medical College, Dhaka
Anwer Khan Modern Medical College, Dhaka
Bangladesh Medical College
BGC Trust Medical College, Chittagong
Central Medical College, Comilla
Chottagram Ma-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College
Community Based Medical College (cbmc), Mymensingh
Community Medical College, Dhaka
Delta Medical College, Dhaka
Dhaka National Medical College
Durra Samad Rahman Red Crescent Women’s Medical College, Sylhet
Eastern Medical College, Comilla
Enam Medical College, Savar, Dhaka
Sylhet Women's Medical College, Sylhet
Green Life Medical College,Dhaka
Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka
Ibrahim Medical College, Dhaka
Ibn Sina Medical College, Dhaka
International Medical College, Gazipur
Islami Bank Medical College, Rajshahi
Jahurul Islam Medical College, Kishoregonj
Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College Sylhet
Khawja Yunus Ali Medical College, Sirajganj
Kumudini Medical College, Tangail
Labaid Medical College Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Maulana Bhasani Medical College
Medical College for Women and Hospital, Dhaka
Nightingale Medical College, Dhaka
North Bengal Medical College, Sirajganj
North East Medical College, Sylhet
Northern International Medical College, Dhaka
Northern Private Medical College, Rangpur
Popular Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Prime Medical College, Rangpur
Rangpur Community Hospital Medical College
Shahabuddin Medical College,Dhaka
Gonoshasthaya Samaj vittik Medical College, Mirzanagar, Savar,Dhaka-1344
Z. H. Sikder Women’s Medical College
Southern Medical College, Chittagong
Tairunnessa Memorial Medical College, Gazipur
TMSS Medical College, Bogra
University Of Science and Technology Chittagong.IAMS
Uttara Adhunik Medical College, Dhaka

Govt Dental Colleges:
Dhaka Dental College
Rajshahi Medical College Dental unit
Chittagong Medical College Dental unit

Non-Govt Dental Colleges:
Bangladesh Dental College
Saphena Women's Dental College
Udayan Dental College
Marks Dental College
Update Dental College
Pioneer Dental College
Sapporo Dental College
City Dental College
University Dental College
Chittagong International Dental College
Rangpur Dental College
Samaj Vittik Dental College

Medical Colleges in Bangladesh


  1. armed forces medical college is non government ?????? stunned to hear .......
    the teachers of armed forces medical college are serving as major , colonel , brigadier in bangladesh army currently......... i don't understand,BEING A GOVT. SERVICE HOLDER , how they are serving in a NON-GOVERNMENT medical college!!!!!!!!!!

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